Some Chinese scooters come with a Alarm and Remote Start.
Many do not come with instructions and or clear instructions or complete instructions on how to set things.
The design and functionality is fine but the documentation is totally lacking. However, it turns out that the alarm chip used is fairly common and is used in other devices as well.
The FOB (Remote Control):The remote control usually has three buttons: arm, disarm, and engine start, the icons for which are a closed padlock, and open padlock and a lightning bolt respectively.
ARMING THE ALARM:The "arm" button, predictably, arms the alarm. The alarm chirps once.
DISARMING THE ALARM:The "disarm" button disarms it (the alarm chirps twice) -- but only for about 30 seconds, then it spontaneously rearms itself (chirping once). It seems that only by disarming the alarm twice before it has a chance to reset can one turn off the alarm altogether.
REMOTE STARTING:The start button is used to start the motor remotely. This can be useful in cold weather and in some other circumstances but should not be used for driving the scooter. The ignition key and remote start seem to get very confused if both are used. You're better off not using the remote start, or if you do use it, it is best to turn off the engine again using the disarm button and starting it with the key for driving.
Using the remote start and not the key may cause serious injury!
If the lock button is depressed when the scooter is running, the alarm will sound and the engine will cut off. So if you used the remote start and put the keys in your pocket, your scooter may CUT OFF at any given moment due to accidental activation in your pocket!
ALARM SENSITIVITY:According to Roketa and Tank, the sensitivity cannot be set, but they are WRONG!
The alarm sensor setting from the factory is so sensitive that a bit of wind or falling leaves will keep the scooter chirping regularly through the night (and, of course, running the battery down in the process).
This has caused many Chinese scooter owners to abandon all thought of using the alarm system altogether.
However, once one knows the secret, the alarm is very usable indeed!
Setting Alarm Sensitivity Level:
The sensitivity of the alarm can be set entirely with the remote by following these steps:
Press and hold the "arm" button - it will chirp once initially, then, if you continue to hold the button down, it will chirp three times and enter the set mode.
By continuing to hold the "arm" button down, the alarm will chirp 3, 2, and 1 times in a cycle. 3 is greatest sensitivity, 2, medium sensitivity, and 1, the least sensitive. Release the button after the desired level has been announced by 1,2, or 3 chirps. Then disarm the system by pressing the "disarm" button twice. This stores the setting. On some alarms, you may only have settings for 1 & 2, high sensitivity and low.
The discovery that you can adjust alarm sensitivity so easily just with the remote, makes the alarm system very convenient, and practical. Leaving your scooter parked with the alarm set does give one a degree of confidence that one will at least be alerted if anyone attempts to move the vehicle, open it's trunk, or tamper with it in any way.
The above instructions work with TANK and Roketa scooters as well as several others. It seems likely that all Chinese scooters use the same or similar systems.
So there you have it. The Chinese scooter alarms are not junk like most people say, they just need to be set to the proper sensitivity. It's too bad the scooters don't ship with an alarm manual and the dealers don't have a clue as to how to set them... but now you know!